Nice idea! You could make the children but, as WarriorCats has already said, more beautiful and possibly also positioned so that it looks as if they would build on the sand castle and also place other armor stands, perhaps large, on the couches. You can also have a look at my building idea sculptures.
The couches are okay, although I would do the middle block in a different color.
You can also make the children with arms and without the stone plate with the command:
/summon ArmorSand ~ ~ {Small:1,ShowArms:1,NoBasePlate:1}
Nice idea! You could make the children but, as WarriorCats has already said, more beautiful and possibly also positioned so that it looks as if they would build on the sand castle and also place other armor stands, perhaps large, on the couches. You can also have a look at my building idea sculptures.
@WarriorCats Forgot...
@Timmi1812 I'm not that far along with armor stands yet.
how do you do the carpet by the umbrella?Huh,am i stupid?
has settled jz know how.
How does it go with the carpet