Semi-detached house

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Semi-detached house"/>

Semi-detached house

A small house for two families.

This is actually just a small idea how you could build a duplex from the outside
The good thing about a semi-detached house is that you can accommodate two people.

To all who see this idea here:
I still need a good name for a modern city.
ideas please by private message


  1. If you build it out of other materials you can also build it well in survival mode.

    I have also often built duplexes with a friend in our LAN world, which have a common mine entrance. Then you save the annoying digging there.

  2. Looks kind of huge, and is therefore for me from the scale, not suitable.
    Also, I've never seen a row house like this in real life, at least not in such wildly mixed colors πŸ˜€


  3. there is a difference between a terraced house and a semi-detached house
    semi-detached house: two houses next to each other
    terraced house: many houses directly in a row