
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Shop"/>


When you press a button, you pay a few XP levels and get an item. Works with command blocks.

Behind the buttons is a small wiring. With command blocks and repeaters (redstone amplifiers).


You need: 1 command block (to get this give the command: /give player (your name) 137 in. You also need 1 frame, 1 button, the item you want to sell and 1 shield.
I recommend building the shop underground. The room should also be 3 blocks high. At the bottom you put the button on the wall. Above you put the sign and write how much XP you need for the item. And above it the frame and put the item in it. Now we come to the redstone wiring. Behind the button you put the redstone, behind it you put the repeater and behind it the command block. In it you put /XP -(the XP you want)L @p. Behind it you put the repeater and behind the repeater the command block. In the command block you give @p (the ID of the item) 1 and the shop is ready.


  1. If you don't have the necessary XP, you still get the item. Which makes the whole thing pointless.

    If anyone has a solution to the problem, please post with a comment here.

  2. Command block 🙂
    It's called a command block!
    I would just steal the item from the frame!
    Better to write the name of the item at the price on the sign.
    Otherwise, like for the idea!