Shorten signal duration (pulse)

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Shorten signal duration (pulse)"/>

Shorten signal duration (pulse)

The circuit can shorten the signal duration of switches, levers etc.. The circuit does not need a piston (the piston that can be seen is not absolutely necessary) and is easy to rebuild. Application is e.g. to be able to process the signal from the daylight sensor.

On the right is the input (in this case a block with a switch on the side). From the block 2 redstone lines go out - line 1 goes directly to an AND gate and line 2 goes to a repeater (at this you can then set the length of the pulse (the more repeaters the longer the signal at the output). After the repeater the signal is negated (with a block and a flare attached to the side) and fed to the AND gate.


Switching from the front (input)
Any other signal can be processed (lever, trip wire, etc.) If the daylight sensor is used, it must be ensured that the direct line to the AND gate and the line to the repeater are the same length!

at this repeater the signal length at the output can be adjusted. (the higher the level the longer the signal at the output (but never longer than the input signal).

At the side flare of the AND gate, the set output signal arrives - in this case at a piston.

It's not the most compact variant, but it's easier to build in Survival, because you don't need a sticky piston.