A statue of your own chosen skin.
If you don't have a skin you can also use the normal look of Steve.
This skin is supposed to represent Lt. Cm. Data from U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701-D and 1701-E.
A statue of your own chosen skin.
If you don't have a skin you can also use the normal look of Steve.
This skin is supposed to represent Lt. Cm. Data from U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701-D and 1701-E.
It's a good idea, but there's been too much of this kind of thing...
You can also build a skin as a freedom jam.

Right looks good 😀
@freu lol
idea is widespread, if you still process it like "freu" it is perfect
Rebuild my head please! 😀
copy: /give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:SanoHD}
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:Enderzhul}