This villa is built with a lot of quartz blocks and has a terrace and two balconies.
You should protect it from creepers because it also contains a lot of glass
This villa is built with a lot of quartz blocks and has a terrace and two balconies.
You should protect it from creepers because it also contains a lot of glass
Nice combo with the light wood.
1-2 pictures of the inside would be nice.
Looks like someone is already playing the 1.9 snapshots 😀
hä why I see nothing from the 1.9 snapshot
@Patrick123: The street block in front.
oh, I hadn't noticed.
thumbs up 🙂
I'm playing in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.12.1 🙂
Jey, 1.9 says hello! xD
Very nice! =)
Quite good, but too much glass
You recreated that very nicely from a YouTube video. Honestly - if you're going to steal ideas, at least EARN it!
What here is always already everything marked as creative mode. It's really not that hard to build.
@Rico Or Windows 10 Edition ^^
I think the house is very handsome! Top!
@Mis7erSeven Is so
This is unfortunately rebuilt I have already rebuilt a week ago and on youtube have built the many
I also have it from youtube stell it but not high because you reinstellt here no replicated things and if it is already replicated you should at least say it. Thumbs down 🙁
It's not so bad