Sports facility

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Sports facility"/>

Sports facility

A sports facility for the city park, for example.


By special request, here again separately the sports facility from my other building idea "Stadtpark", because it was difficult to recognize it there.
On display are

A football field:

Basketball court:

Other sports fields such as a baseball field are of course also possible


  1. Nicely done, but at the basketball court I would have taken funnels instead of boilers, then you can also play properly. And at the football field, the goals would look better if the back would still be iron lattice

  2. Oh great idea with the funnel ... not even thought of it ... yes you can do better ^^
    the grid I had tried ... unfortunately does not work, because the grid does not adhere to the walls πŸ™

  3. the park itself didn't take that long... paths can be drawn quickly and the trees and facilities are relatively simple ... with a little planning the whole thing (in creative) should be done in 1 to max 1.5 hours
    the buildings around it have of course taken longer ... ^^