Underwater tunnel

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Underwater tunnel"/>

Underwater tunnel

An underwater tunnel that is perfect for the swamp, for example.

Here are a few more screenshots:


You can also build in lighting:



If you want to build a tunnel or a room underwater, you first place blocks (e.g. sand or earth) everywhere where there will be air later. Then the glass is placed on top. Finally you can remove the earth from the inside.
So that you don't have to constantly go to the surface to catch your breath, you can build two shields on top of each other and then simply swim in there to catch your breath.

Any questions? Then please write them in the comments. Other designs you can also post in the comments. Thanks and have fun with the rebuild ;)


  1. Good idea! But if you don't want to spoil the "swamp atmosphere", you should build the tunnel as invisible as possible. Sandstone would be good for this. At night, the lighting should be able to be switched off, but that would be something for the creative mode...

  2. Since when does swamp have atmosphere? ๐Ÿ˜€
    What do you mean, sandstone? Sandstone instead of glass? Then it's no longer an underwater tunnel but just a tunnel. Or instead of green wool?

  3. What have here actually all always with the creative mode? Even with switchable lighting, you can build that quickly and easily in survival. I myself have already built over several hundred block in a Survival. Creative mode oh man.

  4. @xxluke: By that I mean a decayed, gloomy and, if you want to call it that, run down area. Sandstone would be more appropriate than green wool in my opinion.
    @picasso22: That's hard to define. Now that I think about it, your objection seems valid.