These guards protect a city wall from evil eyes.
The guards are made of stone and have armor made of wood.
The guardians, which can also be rebuilt in Survival, are in front of the town of Biggestbuilder, emanassa, Gate13UR, Mogel16 and sweetmaxi03.
Complementary top idea (at least I think so :D)
Put a head in the stature!
Already built 20 of them xD a little tip how about the tutorial video of Jeracraft that you can see how it is built?
that would be really cool if there is such nen VIDEO =)
When I'm on the Pc I'll post ma the link to it is shown how it is built, just have to come to terms with that it is in English.
Sleepinger I just need the video I know every stone =)
mhh means ir DIA / IRON / GOLD rüssi suits them too ?
or ne Obsidian rüssi ? =D
The video where you can see how it is built is in English^^ came unfortunately not yet to it but just ma at YouTube Jeracraft statue enter then you would have to find the statue and still ne other from the
Does the statue on the right have only half a spear on purpose or is that supposed to be a sword then?
If anyone is looking for the video
is with a complete PLaylist from Jeracraft with really cool stuff =)
have rebuilt these guards with all possible =)
Hard to see.
I don't see a guardian