A wooden bridge that can be built over any wide river.
To build this bridge does not depend on the width of the river. The pattern is quite simple. You take a log and place it on the riverbank two blocks above the water surface. Then you go towards the other bank two blocks to the right and then place another log that sticks out of the water 3 blocks. Now it depends on the width of the river. If it is wider than shown in the picture you have to leave more space between the middle pier and the other two piers. The middle pier should ideally be 4 blocks high. Then repeat the same until you reach the riverbank. After you have built it the same way on the other side you can connect the pillars with stairs or slabs. For the transition use slabs that go half a block higher for each pillar. At the end you have to build a railing out of fences so that you don't fall down!