X-Ray machine

36337 Aufrufe
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=X-Ray machine"/>

X-Ray machine

As soon as you put your head in leaves, you can look through the world like in SpectatorMode.


To stick one's head into the foliage, there are broadly three possibilities:
  1. Enderperle:
     With a well-aimed throw with an ender bead, you can easily land your head in leaves.
  2. Lore:
     See the main picture: rail, trolley, foliage above.
     Just put it in and off you go :)
  3. Riding:
    If you ride a horse/pig under foliage hovering one above the ground, it works too.

It doesn't work with a piston, because you can't move leaves and you can't stand on the piston yourself, because you'll slide into the piston.

Here's another nice picture:
An avid Minecrafter who doesn't shy away from redstone and command blocks or decorating ideas.


  1. When will this bug finally be completely fixed. On servers you will be banned by the way. And do not think that admins and mods do not notice something like that.

  2. @Broccoli Is nowmal pathetic if you use bugs and still spread. Much more pathetic, however, is that the bug already exists for about 1000 Verionen and has not yet been fixed. Let's see if @thebigsmileXD is right and that in 1.9 finally no longer works.

  3. I don't find it pathetic at all. If the bug is already usable by a trick, you can at least try that. No reason to get so upset about it.
    My local singleplayerserver will not ban me for bugusing...