Industrial furnace

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Industrial furnace"/>

Industrial furnace

An oven that can melt/fry etc. up to 1728 things in a row!

It works like this: In the left chest goes the fuel (coal, wood, etc.), in the middle chest goes what is to be melted or roasted, and in the last goes the products from the furnace (iron, roasted chicken).

So you could build the stove into a cabin:


You build it as shown in the screenshot, here are some still important details: There is a funnel placed under the furnace that goes to the right into a dropper, which in turn points up. To make the funnel point in this direction, first build the dropper (stand to the right of the furnace, jump up and place the dropper under you while jumping) and then press Shift, point to the side of the dropper where the funnel should point (i.e. the left side of the dropper, under the furnace) and place it. Now the funnel mouth should go into the side of the dropper. Now add another comparator in front of the dropper, then redstone and another amplifier. The signal coming out of the amplifier must then go to the comparator. Above the dropper another box in which the products come and ready.
Here's another video about it:

By MrCreativeIV


  1. Why do you transport the items back upstairs afterwards? You could also build the chest right next to it.
    Unfortunately, such an automatic furnace has the disadvantage that it fills up with coal continuously, even if only one item is to be melted. I've been trying to build a more effective but also not too big option for a while now. When I have one, I'll post it here ;).

  2. Yes, that's right, then you wouldn't need to get a quartz for the comparator, but otherwise it doesn't really matter.

    Would be cool if you find a better method, but I think that is later then, when you have masses of coal. also no matter.

  3. Yes, maybe with Minecarts that would periodically drive from a mine to that factory while collecting resources. That's a very good idea..... 😀

  4. My hopper at 1.6.2 doesn't pass that from the left box on to the furnace, only the coal from the middle box.
    The funnel does not connect with redstone either. Please help 🙂

  5. My hopper at 1.6.2 doesn't pass that from the left box on to the furnace, only the coal from the middle box.
    The funnel does not connect with redstone either. Please help 🙂

  6. Why is there coal in the middle box? The left funnel is also not supposed to be connected to Redstone, and does it also point with the tip to the furnace?

  7. Is there any other redstone nearby? Because if there were redstone flares somewhere, they could stop the funnels. Where does it hang exactly? do the items not go into the funnels? Or do they get stuck in the funnels? Or are the items not being funneled into the produce chest? It has to hang somewhere.

  8. Then they point either in the wrong direction, or they are somehow powered. Is behind ner Wan vllt. Redstone, somewhere? Or are the funnels or the furnace already full? If you really find nothing, build the plant again in another, new world.

  9. Hi! I have followed the assembly instructions, also watched the video, but somehow have "jam" in the lowest dispenser. The redstone circle keeps lighting up. Can someone help me?

  10. The comparator is built with quartz:
    How did you do it with sandstone??

    To your problem above:
    Just build the part again, usually that fixes the problems.

  11. Yes, for the comparator it needs already quartz (Am indeed in Creative)but in the video is shown yes, that you have to build a small "circuit" at the donor. For this you need but 1 comparator, 1 amplifier, 1 times redstone and 1 other block. There I used sandstone. Does that matter? I'll just build the furnace again.

  12. yes, but why ne trapped chest? was that in the video with redstonetruhe built? if so, gebrachste none, baus as on the screenshot, that works in any case.

  13. Another small question:Is there a command that you can use to summon a dog? Because I built a huge house,I made my dog "sit" so that he does not disturb,but I do not remember in which room it was....

  14. Oh God, what is this for a huge house o.O Well, I do not know such a command, however, there is from the 1.8 a command with which from a certain type of animal particles can jump. I.e. particles of the kind you set will jump out of every animal near you. If you apply this to a wolf or dog, particles will jump out of it. You can then see them jumping (not sure if this works) through the walls. It would look like this:

    /particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 4.5 100 @e[type=wolf]

    but now I'm not sure if the ID of tamed dogs is really "wolf".
    Must with the ID vllt. times a little try around. By the way, the 100 indicates the strength of the particle effect, i.e. the particles become more the higher you set the number.

    Instead of "lava" you can use "smoke" or "hugeexplosion".

    Just try this out.

  15. The /tp command can also be used to teleport NPCs as of 1.8 (see [[Commands#bef-tp]]).
    But the question doesn't fit on this site at all, it would have been nicer if you had asked it in a forum like

  16. However, a small problem: Since the items are routed directly into the chest, you don't get any experience points. Is there a way to get the points anyway? (Without commands)

  17. Hm, I think rather not. For this, the items must be taken out of the oven, then you would have to leave out the box with the products and the oven would be back to normal. Without orders that would not work, at least as far as I know.

  18. That's a waste. In order for furnaces to have the same storage capacity, you only need 28 normal furnaces. The quarry stone is available in surplus anyway and you achieve 28 times the melting speed.

  19. Works perfectly. However, had to simulate an auxiliary wall, an auxiliary oven and an auxiliary dispenser of normal stone on the PS4 first. Otherwise I would not have gotten the directions of the individual funnels. After that I replaced the auxiliaries with a kiln and a dispenser.

  20. Hm, I don't think it can be done, for this very reason: the empty buckets would have to be taken out of the oven, and as far as I know that can't be done with hoppers 🙁

  21. Of course it works with lava buckets... the buckets then also end up in the production crate... using a sorting machine, you could also have them placed in another crate. But this would not be worth the effort in my eyes. Unless you build a large industrial plant...