Functioning armchair

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Functioning armchair"/>

Functioning armchair

You can really sit down in this armchair.


take 5 wooden boards (e.g. oak) 6 wooden steps
a rail and a trolley you put the trolley first and then you build the frame (see picture)
and in the end the lore have fun with it^^



  1. Yonan, the idea itself is good, an armchair where you can really sit in, but the implementation is not particularly well done. The chair is just much too huge as he would fit into any small living room pure. But the idea with the put in I like.

  2. yes, i love the arguments in this forum ... 😀
    but he is right ... looks more like a staircase ... vlt you can build times n few alternatives ... the idea is really not bad 🙂

  3. ok that was just a prototype so far I have not thought of anything better would be cool if someone could help me with the design if someone has bock contact me via skype name is freiwildfreak1 or help me on my server ip version 1.7.2/1.7.4 as soon as I have a new idea I upload it and 2 I can handle criticism I was just lw 3 thank you for your criticism that brings one to improve his idea thx lg Yonan148