A few ways to build clocks.
The ones listed here are all clocks I know so far. I inform myself times still further and post them then sometime to it 😉
[Bad for Survival Mode]- Command blocks (unusable in Survival)
- Lots of quartz and redstone (amplifier and comparator)
- Redstone comparator clock
- Manufactures a Redstone comparator and places it on the ground.
- Make a "ring" of redstone around it.
- Sets the comparator with another right click to the mode subtract (visible in the F3 display).
- Feed him an active redstone signal.
My clock is with a lever, for turning on and off:
[Note.] At activate of the lever, the clock activates!
At disable of the lever, the clock sends no Signal more off! - Double hopper clock
- Build two hoppers side by side so that the two "block feed tubes" always face the opposite hopper.
- Places a Redstone comparator (and if desired, a Redstone amplifier) on one of the funnels.
I've got my without Redstone amplifier built:
- Four funnel clock
- Place four hoppers next to each other so that the "block feed tubes" point to the next hopper.
- Puts on an Funnel a comparator.
And if you want, an amplifier again:
- Redstone amplifier clock
- Build four redstones on the ground in packs of 2, one block apart.
- In between come the two different Directions Redstone amplifier.
- Very, very briefly feeds an active redstone signal to the entity (e.g. set redstone flare and Sync and corrections by n17t01 dismantle again)
This time I can't say anything:
- Redstone Amplifier Clock Vol. 2
- Build redstone in the corners of a 3x3 block hex.
- Sets the amplifiers so that the "energy flow" is in one direction.
- Anyone Amplifier must be set to at least 1 tick delay, otherwise the signal will "roll over" and "energize" everything:
- Command block clock
[VERALTET] Since the 1.9 there are repeat command blocks! These partially replace this clock (partially, because the command block clock is executed every tick, depending on the load the execution speed of the 1.9 command blocks changes, the clock here stays permanently this fast)!
- To obtain the command blocks, type /give [your MC name] command_block as a command in chat.
- Set a command block on the bottom and enter /setblock ~ ~1 ~ air with a right click. 2 blocks above another command block is set, in which /setblock ~ ~-1 ~ redstone_block is entered, otherwise it does not work; also not the other way around, so the command of the lower block into the upper or even lying (on the ground, sideways) it does not work.
- Slime Piston Clock
- Sets an upward sticky Flask on the ground and place a block of slime on it.
- Place a redstone block on the left side of the slime block.
- Ensures that the piston gets a block update (see picture below: lever)
[Note.] At activated The lever is and remains the piston extended!
At deactivated Lever is the clock activates and the piston goes up and down. I do not know why, but OK XD!
[Note.] I got the idea to upload this summary from this Page because she inspired me to put one up just like it! She is from SirTurtle
I hope you guys like this "idea". I got the idea to submit this from this I had an idea.
P.S.: If you have new clocks right away, write them to me with picture as Private message to me! ;D
Please give NO bad feedback about "double post" because of the command block clock, xxluke Deleted my other submission where I describe the command block clock. Thus it is no longer a double post!
Clock.... I had to think hard about what this was supposed to be.
Anything with redstone always has a lot of dislikes. Can most people here do not like circuits?
"More clocks, which one should I use?"
Good for beginners. I still confuse after all this time in the command blocks what must go above and what below.
@picasso22 - A Clock is a... NO, NO MORE F---ING DENGLISH!!! SHOOT!
"Redstone clock" is not denglish. It's just plain English. And I've never heard anyone say clock in 4 years of playing Minecraft.
@ Mis7erSeven, but they can circuits therefore these ideas are rather boring for most. In addition, most of the illustrated are already available on the site.
@picasso22 - Visit times this Page and memorize Clock in!
I think they're good
[quote=DonHero]I think they're good[/quote]
The FIRST good Comment.
I didn't even think of the one with the command blocks, although it's really simple :O. Yes well, no one says clock, but it's just the sensible German meaning for it. (even if it should literally be "Rotstein clock" 😀 )
[quote=Interesting_Into]I didn't think of the one with the command blocks, although it's really easy[/quote].
~ Oh, yeah! That's her!
[quote]Yes well, nobody says Taktgeber, but it's just the sensible German meaning for it[/quote].
~ Yes! ~ Everyone who's in Wiki work also say clock generator!
[quote]even though it should literally say "Rotstein watch"[/quote].
No, it wouldn't have to... Redstone can not, in general, with Redstone translated, that just has to be Redstone stay.
Well, you the Clock you can say clock, but no one does. Is understandable, however, a clock shows quasi the "regular" Time on. Clocks ...are giving off regular signals.
Oh yeah, there are NO combo blocks!!!
English: commandblock
German: Befehlsblock
The word "giveth" doesn't exist either....