An old mage tower with secret signs on the sides.
A high mage tower perfect for making potions, enchanting weapons and armor, good lookout and good to store things in but most of all it serves the visual purpose.
An old mage tower with secret signs on the sides.
A high mage tower perfect for making potions, enchanting weapons and armor, good lookout and good to store things in but most of all it serves the visual purpose.
Is something different. Very Abstract ^^ (Like)
Thank you
I like, Like!
Was there a gust of wind during construction, or why is it so slanted?
In itself, I don't find the tower very beautiful either.
One floor hangs out at an angle like that, but I strongly suspect that's intentional.
The leaning mage tower of Pisa.
Yes He is quite old and a straight tower would be a bit boring I thought
The one with the shifted Segment is reminiscent of this 'magic box', where you stand in it and then, for example, your head is swapped with your feet 😀
I notice already the does not come well the Magierturm already several DisLikes 🙁
Oh, that's stupid. I think he's great.
Baaaah, what a mess!
I've seen better
If you ever want to see something better then look at Google at the pictures there looks every tower better than the
Looks a little funny...;)
But actually he is quite beautiful...;)