Noble residential building / villa

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Noble residential building / villa"/>

Noble residential building / villa

A large house which fits well in a rich district of a city.



  1. @morpheus

    well possible, but i never heard this name before. i found this work on the internet as a download and wanted to present it to the community here and make a movie about it.
    Nowhere is it mentioned that I built this.

  2. @0815julian
    I see. Because you have not mentioned it in any of "your" building ideas. Does that mean that... 
    I wouldn't know.

    In any case, it is built by Unplayed.
    So I would mention in your place that "I" have downloaded it and would like to pass on the idea here. Otherwise you get the impression that you want to adorn yourself with someone else's feathers.
    I mean no offense, Julian.
    If you want I can send you the original link of the project.