You walk across the pressure plate and an alarm system is activated.
Simply lay Redstone under the pressure plate to a piston which pushes a Redstone block forward and activates an endless circuit.the Redstone amplifiers can be adjusted as desired.with two lamps or note blocks it works by the way also.
However, I think there are significantly better designs for an alarm system.
I built it this way so that you can see the red tone circuit better.
simple and understandable but still naja...
A neutral:)
Quite good, gives a neutral. If the capitalization errors in the description are emtfernt there nen Like. So only neutral (but also because I do not understand it).
really handy in multiplayer mode
@SLKarmann what is there unveständlich??
To let off steam about spelling mistakes and not pay attention to what you write, those are the best anyway.
@thebigsmileXD Why?
Because the 1. is just too obvious and 2. is very poorly built....