Automatic station

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Automatic station"/>

Automatic station

A small simple station, but which automatically collects trolleys and sets them again at the push of a button.

When the lorry arrives and hits the cactus, the lorry is destroyed and falls into the funnel under the rails, while the player remains standing on the funnel. When you want to start driving again, you press the switch and the launcher puts a lorry on the tracks. Then you just have to get in and press the forward button once to make the trolley move.
Of course you can build the whole thing even nicer (e.g. put arrival and departure on the same floor), but this is the easiest way.


Here is an even more simplified version of the station:

The lorries are transported through funnels into the thrower. In the large screenshot above, there are two funnels on top of each other to bridge the distance to the thrower.
At the track exits of the station you can put steps through which you can not walk, but drive.

With the cactus, you have to keep in mind that you can't put blocks on the side.


  1. That with cactus is a good idea, one knows it however villeich already from YouTube/
    First of all, it's not set up that nicely either....

  2. That with the cactus I also have from YT. You could build him of course more beautiful, but I wanted the variant where you need the least space and material.