Tall tree house which looks like tree house especially from inside.
A tree house in a tropical tree ๐
With texture pack:
Place 4 grass blocks in the ground in a square.Tropical seedlings on it and fertilize with bone meal.
Then in the Great Tropical Tree build a house.
I always build it around the trunk. Find it nice when you have the tree trunk inside :).
Then furnish as desired. Or build a terrace on it like here :) .
So for me, a tree house is more like a dwelling, in the tree itself, or in the treetop. Not simply packing a home in front of a tree.
The hau is in the tree after all ๐
Can you still make foliage around it at will^^
It also hangs in the air you see unfortunately not here :/
So in the pictures you can clearly see that the house is just sort of hanging on the tree...not in it or anything.
I say yes one must make eigntich only foliage still around it o.O
It's already hanging in the tree :DDD

Entrance is up the tree trunk ๐

wow. look for a tree house.
From the outside really chic, but from the inside not so my case
Outside's fine.