"Bread for the World" vending machine

Complexity: simple
<h1 class="Bread for the World" vending machine"/>

"Bread for the World" vending machine

Someone with a large grain farm can set up such a vending machine on a server so that those in need can get food.

You can still change the size of the automaton. Either you can make it e.g. very small, namely only a dropper with a button directly on it, or you choose a larger variant with a small bearing behind it.


  1. @Reaper911211: Right, I had not noticed. But the refrigerator is "only" a launcher with button next to it, of course, there was already before.

  2. You could also do it with a command block and write in there

    /give @p (here bread Id) 1

    PS: The (here bread Id is a placeholder in whose place the ID of bread would stand.
    But otherwise thumbs up