Carpet Player Trap

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Carpet Player Trap"/>

Carpet Player Trap

When a player opens the chest the carpet under him goes away and he falls down

From below, it looks like this:
The carpets are built on top of each other. That is, when the bottom layer
goes away, the rest falls down too.
As you may have seen in the picture above, there is a thrower filled with a bucket of water.
From behind you can also see the circuit:
I have removed the two wooden boards behind the Redstone chest so that you can see everything better.
If the chest is now opened, it emits a signal that activates the launcher. This in turn ejects the water, which destroys the carpets.


The whole thing is pretty simple to build:

1. man builds a pit under the actual room. This one then fills from the bottom to the top with carpets.

2. you build the room with the box on top, where you can of course put more facilities than I do now.

3. you build the mechanism with the redstone chest and the launcher.

It is possible that lagg's may occur when destroying the carpets. In this case, only the signal must be doubled. So that the signal is divided into two and the one is delayed (Then the water is also sucked in again).

Depending on the size of the room, there should possibly be more throwers.


  1. That takes an unnecessary amount of carpet to make the player fall so low that he dies. I find the classic variant with block-dismantling-to-come-to-chest-whereupon-water-washes-away-the-torch-which-holds-the-floor-so-that-the-player-falls-into-lava better.