Farm building idea

Farm building idea

House with water wheel

A house on the river with a water wheel.

Medieval bakery

A medieval style bakery, which is why it looks better with an RPG texture pack. YouTube video in the description.

Old farmhouse

A little old farmhouse.

Horse stable

This is an idea how to build a stable for 2 horses.

Draw well

This medieval draw well makes the boring village fountains look old.

Big farmhouse

A large greenhouse with automatic harvesting.

Chickens XP and meat farm

An easy to build XP, meat and feather farm.

Fully automatic watermelon farm with BUD-Switch

A melon farm with a BUD switch that harvests the melon as soon as it has grown.

Stable with dwelling house

Downstairs is the stable and upstairs is the large living area.


A mill with several floors.