Medieval building ideas

Medieval building ideas

Special stone tile floor/ceiling

A(n) stone tile floor/ceiling in a slightly more sophisticated, different design.


This signal beacon can be built in any size and placed on towers.

Shipping company

Every full-fledged waterfront village should have a shipping company to sell goods by water.

petty boat crane

A small crane for loading boats.

Large grain field

A field of grain belonging to a farm, which is not rectangular but follows the natural course of the landscape.

Arena with sun roof

An arena with a wooden sun roof in which to fight.


This wheelbarrow can store things. But you still have to transport them yourself.

Old Spanish Galleon

An old sea giant that also makes a good apartment.

Simple furnace wall

A dark stove wall with lighting.

Shooting range

Here you can put your enemy's head on an armor stand and shoot it with your bow. The armor stand "dies" when you hit it.