A fireplace with a redstone starter in a compact design.
Who wants to ignite the fireplace manually if you could also do it automatically by pressing a button? Shortly to the procedure of the masterpiece: The button on the floor triggers 2 throwers who then ignite the fireplace with fireballs. 🙂 Well suited for relaxed people who vllt always misplace their lighter, have none or are just too lazy. 😛 Here again a small impression of how it might look in the end:
A picture says more than 1000 words. For the people who have not read the text above: Those are throwers with fireballs in them. :D
You could add a button on the other side that puts the fire out again using a plunger, then you can do the fun again and again!
P.S. what TP are you using?
Fireballs are a waste. Works just as well with a lighter.
Cool idea and easy to implement?
@Raccoon I'll sit down and try to make this as space efficient as possible 🙂 I'm using "S&K Photo Realism x256" from SavageStyle & Kabaluna.
@Brabrax Can be done but here it should be all automatic.
@Minecraft 2.0 Thank you 🙂
Really cool 😎
@Minecraftkater Thanks 🙂
Simple and beautiful