Cleanstone Generator

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Cleanstone Generator"/>

Cleanstone Generator

A fully functional and non-bugging Cleanstone generator.

Halllo I have on the multiplayer server on which I play regularly wondered HOW the hell I get at my JOB more money than what brings me Cobble. shortly after a nice fellow player came up with the idea to build a Cleanstone Geneator which is NOT bugged as the simple Cleanstone source (water and lava comes from the top)

after several tinkering this appliance came out which is best worked with a stone pickaxe because the time intervals of mining and regeneration correspond to this time.

The machine is activated by a STONE pressure plate because this can not be "pressed" by items. and as far as you leave the plate, the machine deactivates again. if you build funnels underneath the Cleanstone, you can also attach a larger funnel chest system and store it.

Enchantment Caution is needed to get CLeanstone otherwise only Cobblestone appears.


the construction is simple the redstone circuit is kept so that everyone sees and understands it =) the piston isn sticky piston.
The exact setting of the vestärker is also important.
The Her onm Letzem picture is the erbauer =)


  1. is corrected. yes it is a bit big but you can build it underground or make it smaller =)

    it is built extra detailed so that everyone can understand it =) there are people who are not so good in the redstone area =)

    achja the piston with the oak boards blocks the signal as far as you go from the plate =)

  2. Gamegirl on these pictures you can see and recognize everything you need otherwise this idea would have been rejected as well as it was rejected first because I uploaded a TXT screen as the main image.
    and this is the first idea in TXT as far as I know.
    @VIPig I have Unfortunately vegessen the Bereich zu kopieen. Thank you newly inserted ^^

  3. 1. not very well built
    2. I have never, but NEVER had a Cleanstone generator bugging around....
    3. if you already use the word "buggen", also use the correct variants: bugged->buggt