Triple Mushroom House

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Triple Mushroom House"/>

Triple Mushroom House

Several interconnected mushroom houses to form one large one.

You can connect a lot of things in Minecraft. Why not also a
Mushroom house? By connecting many mushroom houses (optionally also tree houses) a huge network is created !


  1. from me there is a dislike because first of all it is not possible to do something like this in suvival and secondly the time needed is much too big for such a small house.

  2. My first house that I built on a server with friends was a mushroom house. I quickly tore it down and moved because it was too small. I wish I had known this idea.

  3. the idea is already on building ideas and whether it is now one or three I find simply 2 mushrooms dastellen is not an idea! And it is not even beautifully designed.

  4. @jakmat02 The idea is a TRIPLE MUSHROOM HOUSE/ TREE HOUSE and that means it is TRIPLE !!!!
    (the idea is the triple ) And the plain (NOT Designte) Design makes nevertheless only the Pepp from