The emergency exit sign from Dekili in colour.
Material:1x command block
1x button
Just enter the following command in the command block, put a button next to it, press it and you have the colored emergency exit sign. :-)
Tip: Copy the command, open the command block and press Ctrl+V, this will paste the command into the command block.
/give @p sign 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Text1:"["",{"text":"_O", "color": "dark_green", "bold":true}]",Text2:"["",{"text":"/ /\\\\_", "color": "dark_green", "bold":true}]",Text3:"["",{"text":"_/\\\\ ","color":"dark_green","bold":true}]",Text4:"["",{"text":"/","color":"dark_green","bold":true}]",id:"Sign"}}
Attention! Cheats must be allowed!
This idea is unfortunately only executable in Creative, and Dekili's real idea was that you could make this shield in Survival as well. Still, it's a nice addition. Like!
Dekili's better. What you have done has no sense in my eyes.
Almost undetectable, and really it's just... with paint.