Fully functional spaceship

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Fully functional spaceship"/>

Fully functional spaceship

Flying spaceship armed to the teeth, ready to destroy entire worlds.

Made mainly of obsidian and iron, she is the result of German ingenuity and several days of planning and construction. An engine located in the stern provides all of the ship's lighting and can also be switched to combat lighting via the bridge. A self-reloading bomb bay and 14 fireball cannons can fire in all directions and an additional hangar with a landing and reconnaissance aircraft provide the necessary mobility for ground operations. Thanks to the "Haribote" modification, the spaceship and reconnaissance aircraft are fully flyable and controllable.




  1. Even the interior screen feels really like an engine compartment or something on a ship 🙂
    Maybe you want to show a screenshot of the command bridge?

  2. The ship is awesome

    have rebuilt it with bissl veraenderungen but I have no idea for the back with me goes like an iron just nru down =D

    is there by chance a picture from behind ? =D

  3. @Minecrafter: I don't think that was meant seriously 😉 I wouldn't know how exactly to do it with command blocks either (unless you take thousands of them).

  4. A really very detailed building. I especially like this sophisticated engine room system.
    Very good work. How this could lose to the beach house is beyond me.
    Greetings to the master builder: [Elven screech]