Fully automatic warehouse

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Fully automatic warehouse

Fully automated warehouse (for community servers)

Hello Minecraft fans today I would like to introduce you from our community server the fully automated warehouse with built-in item sorting system with storage silos and farm system, high-speed furnace and portal access to the Nether.


Exterior view 

Main entrance to the warehouse

Rear exit


The building is divided into 3 floors upper floor with the hopper ring and the sorting slots, ground floor with the silos storage center and storage boxes for manual storage. Basement with oven Nether Portal and potato, carrots, melons, Nehter warts and cow + gold farm.

From both last farms there are unfortunately still no pictures that they are not yet finished at this time!

Here you can see the storage silos where only items from the farms or the high speed furnace are stored, in the middle there are single storage boxes where the items are already crafted.

Kiln and sorting center here all items are fed into the sorting plant or the kiln for firing the system. Also fuel is filled into the kiln here, mainly lava is used but at the moment we have switched to carpets which are produced in an adjacent building by a doubling machine and transported through a water stream directly to the kiln.

Access to the technical rooms.

High Speed Oven

Technical room with the sorting slots and silo. Since the silos must be filled from above, an item elevator is installed on one side.

Hopper ring that connects the two sides of the silos.

If one or more silos are full, the excess items are automatically destroyed in the lava.

Here are two farms Nehter Warts and Pumpkin Farm as well as grain, potato and carrot fields that are harvested naturally semi- or fully automatically and stored in the silos.

Nehter portal

If you have any questions about the design or the redstone technique on diving to show them in more detail then just write me.

So in this sense have fun with the rebuilding

Hello Minecraft fans I still play on the X Box one and build everything from medieval to newfangled buildings, I also create many red stone farms and circuits.


  1. The warehouse is beautifully built. It seems like a lot of time and ideas went into it. Honestly, I'm a little jealous of it because I probably wouldn't get it done like that. Thumbs up for that!
    If you put as much effort into writing as you do building, this would have been a great article.
    But "funnel ring", "storage boxes" or even worse "a storage" ... really now? You almost never pay attention to the comma rules, if you know them at all. You never seem to have learned capitalization. This is so bad for me that I prefer to spare myself reading this page.

    • Sorry Tim I'm not a spelling guru so can't remotely hold a candle to you.
      But you will definitely enlighten us with your next article in pictures and writing.

      LG blank

      • Dear Blank, apart from the fact that it is already quite crass to say, one would not be a guru, whereby the reasonably mastering of the own native language now not necessarily to counts, a really great job. A construction manual would certainly make many people happy and would be a good compromise against those who only want to rip off everything.

  2. Everything is worthy of improvement even yours but beautifully built. I do not want to kligscheissern but I know myself zimmlich with Redstone it goes better. But otherwise hut ab the design ust great.

  3. Hi Martin, very nice warehouse! I would like to rebuild it, but the many small pictures are not enough for me.... There are not by chance videos made during the construction, so you can rebuild step by step?

  4. Good design and interior please send a detailed description and, or instructions I like the large pickaxe on the roof and the fountain inside the house is also brilliant

    LG DeadSheap13