Grass roof

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Grass roof"/>

Grass roof

A grass roof doesn't fit everywhere, but it's something different and nice and simple.

Since the introduction of steps, there are house roofs almost only from steps and rarely still from full blocks. But this grass roof also works on a small scale with full blocks. Dealing with full blocks makes it even easier than a complicated roof with steps.


Just take one soil block at a time and "cover" the roof with it (you'll want to cover the underside!). In order for the earth to overgrow green, you need to lay a path of earth from a grassy area up to the roof so that the grass can make its way up to the roof. Alternatively, you can directly cut down blocks of grass with Behutsamkeists tools. When everything is overgrown with grass, plant blades of grass with Bone Meal or place them directly on top with blades of grass from the inventory.

I have a video about that too!


  1. @thebigsmileXD
    Thanks! I unfortunately noticed that the grass color isn't as nice in every biome as it is there in the swamp. Didn't notice until I recreated it again in the Plains biome. I'm still 100% convinced about the roof, but maybe only with Texture Pack or in a few biomes - unfortunately!

  2. @AzTaiiMC
    Exactly - that fits only in so medieval environment. And as I've noticed now, at least with vanilla textures, the biome must also fit, otherwise the grass roof looks really weird!