An ice cream truck to make kids happy.
Here again a par Screenshots:
From the side
From behind
From inside
And there's one more special feature: when you shift the gears (lever), you hear ice cream truck music. It works like this:
You can set the tone on the note pad yourself.
For all of you who are familiar with the idea: There was already an ice cream truck by -starviper-85, but he had it deleted again because the reviews were negative.
It's a bit lousy on the inside....
I'll take it down in a minute.
Ugly and useless!
Gamegirl, that's deco, that IS HOLDING SENSE!!!
I ann only say
Idea: 1/5 (since this is already here)
= 3 / 10 = dislike
I think the ice cream truck is cute as a button! ^^
Nice idea and also acceptable as "decorations" @Megamind, decorations are for beautifying the world, so all decorations are meaningless to you. So I advise you to take off the hook of "decorations" in your search 😉.
As a decoration but relatively good.