Item elevator

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Item elevator"/>

Item elevator

Items are transported up through dispensers.

In contrast to the Item lift the items are transported up here via dispensers, so they can't get lost for sure.

The dispensers are positioned so that they point upwards.
The dispensers are activated again and again by a clock.
The funnel directs the thrown item into the lowest dispenser,
whereupon it is transported upwards from dispenser to dispenser.

You can put another chest on top of it, so that the items from the top dispenser go directly into it.

The whole thing also works with throwers. But the principle remains the same.

There doesn't seem to be anything more to say. If there are any questions,
I'm happy to change it.


  1. It would be better if you used a comparator to check if there are still items in the hopper, so the clock doesn't run all the time and the dispensers always click.

  2. Luckyluke,
    while the item lift uses the ability of items to slide out of blocks,
    does my elevator use dispensers or launchers. Of course, the bottom line is the same.
    But then you could say that about any house, for example.

  3. ICh still want to say watch out in combination with eg: funnels and a funnel clock it could come to a bug in the funnel system whereupon you can no longer play. that happened to me on a multiplayer server after a while are my "clock consisting of 2 funnels a compensator with the item lift then bugs ^^

  4. Brogamer if you want to have a clock dranne that can be switched on and off take a funnel clock and a lever =) funnel clocks have a nice speed and sound not as shit as some others ^^

    achja and Redstone fAKELN for the upper SPender use ^^ looks easier and is space-saving AND cheaper ^^