This is where the bad guys get fed.
Now on a small island should be built a prison. 2 users took on this task and created this building. Here every criminal is immediately incarcerated. There are even different cells.

There are other ways to do it, but that's an idea of mine.
I hope you like it, if so then check out ml on The forum:
Lame idea, even my little son has already. Would have given you a neutral, but for the outrageous advertising in the first comment gives a fat Disslike!
@DjDope can only agree with your opinion
Well you can take it as a little incentive :)
@IItilsen So really, I expected something better... I'm not much better, but you could have given the prison maybe a bit more shape, not just a block, better a few cuboids! Have a look at the tutorials of Grian (stupid advertising, but he is so good!)
Idea: 3/5
Design: 0/5
Benefit: 2/5
Well, of course it's grey and angular, but honestly, that's what a prison looks like.
That's why there's nothing wrong with the idea.