Houses building ideas

Houses building ideas

Automatic station

A small simple station, but which automatically collects trolleys and sets them again at the push of a button.


In the greenhouse you can grow plants all year round.

Expendable flares

When you shoot the flares, they "go out". The effect is achieved by a command block removing the flare.


A church perfect for a religious city

(Roof) terrace

A terrace can contain, for example, sunbeds, flowers and parasols.

Fireworks Workshop

In this workshop, which is high up on the house and has windows on all sides, firework rockets are assembled and fired with a launcher in the roof. There is also a terrace to see the rockets better.

Barrel cellar

In this room you can build wooden barrels. In them it makes sense best to store potions.


A jetty which runs into the sea and may contain buildings.

Self-regenerating paving stone bridge

A bridge that is permanently rebuilt by producing new paving stone. Can be combined with traps.

The bank

A room made of iron and gold blocks, which contains a bank. Redstone leads from the lever to a sticky plunger above the chests and causes you to open the chest afterwards. More decorative than functional.