Lava Trap

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Lava Trap"/>

Lava Trap

A trap that burns unwanted visitors.

If you step on the pressure plate, lava comes out of the dispenser (you have to fill it with 1 lava bucket before). If you press the button above the dispenser, the lava is drawn back in and the trap can be used again.


  1. This is really very primitive and also not a good trap, but I don't think something like this exists here yet, so I unlocked it anyway.

  2. @Karl31a Amazing number of people still fall for the "free diamonds" trick 😀
    But otherwise I have to agree. Also, the trap is too slow. No player will intentionally stand on it and wait what happens (unless you actually write free diamonds on it). If someone steps on it, it will be by accident while walking over it. Because of the short signal delay you're already a bit further and you'll probably only get hit slightly.

  3. @Mis7erSeven: Yes, the trap is primitive. But too slow? You could build more dispensers and pressure plates, or increase the distance between pressure plate and dispenser.