Bright decorative candle
Step one:
First you remove the ground at the place where the candle should stand later. There you stack 5 snow steps on top of each other.
Step two:
Now place an armor stand on the snow steps. You should make sure that the armor stand is as straight as possible.
Step Three:
Now you put your chosen candle head on the armor stand. You can find heads like this for example on:
Step four:
Now place a block above the armor stand which belongs to the shelf. Then place a plunger (not a sticky block) directly above the block and use the plunger to push the block down until the candle is visible.
Step Five:
As soon as the candle has come to light you can remove the plunger again. Now aim at the block on which the candle is standing and place a torch on the block. Then the torch disappears into the head and the candle glows.

That's a brilliant idea!
Thank you so much for this 🙂
As a small tip, I would have the use of F3 to accurately place the armor stand....
Mega decorative and super described!
Great idea, I would never have come up with it myself (LIKE)
Really good idea! LIKE!
Great idea, unfortunately without mod or texture package not implementable.
A great idea 😉