Marketplace Deco

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Marketplace Deco"/>

Marketplace Deco

Small decoration for a marketplace or street decoration for the Middle Ages.


  1. @Raccoon Should eig. a how do you call that earlier you have there bundesaile dran and there you can dance so drumheum it was also once in a game think Stronghold there was once such a structure

  2. I think the idea is pretty cool. Have got a super smile from me.
    The only thing you could do differently would be to make it not three but two blocks wide, then it looks a bit more elegant, or maybe change the color.
    But the idea behind it is really cool!

  3. @WarriorCats If you had a closer look, the player is 1,80m high and 0,60m wide and I guess that these dimensions apply to @thebigsmileXD could be! ๐Ÿ˜€