Medieval cathedral (with time lapse)

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Medieval cathedral (with time lapse)"/>

Medieval cathedral (with time lapse)

This is the cathedral from Krohnshoven, from our medieval time-lapse project: Medieval Diary.
You can also see the timelapse of how it was built here. The cathedral was built in about 5h of active construction time. πŸ™‚

Here is the time-lapse about the cathedral of Krohnshoven. The cathedral was built by the Limburg Cathedral inspired. But we have changed the structure a bit and mixed with other cathedrals πŸ˜€
Here are some more(newer) Pictures of the cathedral πŸ™‚
- The bishop's seat is still being planned here

You can also marvel at the interior design, in addition there are also below is a video of the Aventus.


I hope you like the cathedral :)
LG Chrissel
Glad you found me here. I'm actively building in the Herbstlande building team & have my medieval project "Medieval Diary" on my Youtube Channel: :)


  1. The styling is cool. The cathedral is large yet varied. And the interior is just stunning.
    Ps: When I build something very large it always looks like a shoebox.

  2. Very nice cathedral! :woot: Only when I build something, no matter how big, it usually looks like a cube! :unsure: Meaning:
    I almost never do buildings with depth and barely make an effort! I want to! But I can't get it right.:'(

  3. @Block Builder-10 It's not that hard to get some depth into buildings. Start with a single wall without trying to build a house. Let's just take a cobblestone or quarry stone wall. Try there e.g. simply with stairs "missing" stones in the wall zusetzen.

    Or make a window and put the stairs below and above the window to get some depth. Similarly with the cobblestone walls πŸ™‚
    Next step make a 2 thick wall and experiment with slabs, trap doors,knobs,iron fences, cobblestone walls etc anything that doesn't have a "whole" block.

    If you have found a nice pattern, which can be taken over segment by segment (a segment e.g. 5 blocks long) you can design several walls like this.

    AND very IMPORTANT: PLAN ahead of time, preferably with wool or colored clay. With this you create a plan without much to build, which is not only buzzing in your head πŸ™‚

    Just don't hang your head, even my first buildings looked very sexy πŸ˜€

  4. @Blank Thank you so much for your constructive criticism πŸ™‚ .
    We really used a lot of stairs here, but I think we also achieved a nice effect. The cathedral itself is quite small, but it still has details in the facade.

    It doesn't seem so cluttered in person^^Β 

    Ther interior was not designed by me. I think they turned out well, we are also encountered a few problems that much, by the rather small cathedral, was not feasible in the interior. The ceiling painting we have tried to suggest, which is unfortunately not so advantageous with minecraft ^^

    LG Chrissel