Medieval spinning wheel (with tutorial)

Complexity: simple
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Medieval spinning wheel (with tutorial)

A realistic spinning wheel design in Minecraft.

Right at the beginning: You need best WorldEdit and Right or access to player heads.

It has disturbed me insanely how badly a spinning wheel could be implemented as a furnishing idea. So I sat down and tried to implement a spinning wheel with as many details as possible. Here you see exactly how:

In comparison, a conventional spinning wheel from the Middle Ages:-


In the video you can see exactly how you do it. The link to Kopf is also here again:

If you have any ideas write them as a comment or PN :)

Have a nice day
Glad you found me here. I'm actively building in the Herbstlande building team & have my medieval project "Medieval Diary" on my Youtube Channel: :)


  1. Even if I have no use for it right now because I do not build a medieval village, I like the idea. Did you copy it from Youtube or is the video from you?

  2. I mean with the right commands it works without World Edit. I would have to look for the but again, because I do not have in mind. If I get it right without WE I'll let you know 😀

  3. @Interessanter-Into So in the 1.9+ you can do that with the trap doors without WE. With the levers on the fence gate I'm not sure if that works with the setblock commands, because a lot just plops off again 😀

  4. I got it working without WorldEdit on a singleplayer world (1.10).
    The levers must be turned with the command (as in the video). The trapdoor works without command. One may only not operate the levers and nothing next to dismantle. (strangely enough you can activate the fence gate since nothing happens) So first floor, head, stairs, fence gate and trapdoor and then the levers. Armor stand you can then just drop on it at the end 😀

    Just took a normal one instead of the spinning thread head, because I didn't feel like searching out the command and typing it in :angel: