Modern house from quartz

Complexity: simple
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Modern house from quartz

A modern villa made of quartz and black clay with a lot of glass.

Instead of the black tone you can also use black wool, I personally prefer the black tone here.

Due to all the quartz and black clay, it's relatively hard to build this mansion in survival mode, but if you want to try, the sky's the limit 😉 .


  1. 1) Almost exactly the same house already exists on the site.

    2) The actual builder (RemixFreak99) has made a tutorial for this house as well as a video regarding the dismantling of his houses. By the way, he demands that his name should at least be mentioned when rebuilding on public servers or sites!

  2. People.

    Come up with something new for a change. It's about every 1-2 weeks 'Modern house with quartz' or '...with glass' or 'with lots of glass' etc.

    Agree with Karl31a.

  3. @ZombieHead could you get any more ridiculous? This is a modern house. Even if he copied it, he doesn't have to mention anything. The guy you're linking to didn't invent the design and can demand whatever he wants, but that has no meaning at all.