There are many ways to die in Minecraft, and there are just as many death messages that you've all seen at some point....
The whole thing works (of course) with commands.
First, if you don't want to destroy the world and only want to kill the player, you need the following command, which prevents mobs from destroying blocks:[quote]/gamerule mobGriefing false[/quote]
You only need a command block under the pressure plate:
[quote]execute @p ~ ~ summon Creeper ~ ~ {CustomName:actuate the wrong pressure plate,CustomNameVisible:0,ExplosionRadius:10,Fuse:0,ignited:1,NoAI:1,Silent:1,powered:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:1,Duration:999999}]}[/quote]
Question please in the comments :)
Dear Karl31a
1.Nice idea.
2. there is a relevant amount of redstone in the idea (even if only in a figurative sense).
3.just change the description instead of writing the simplified version in the comments.
PS:Is there a Karl31b?
@minegraui I thought you can no longer change the ideas afterwards?
And no, so far there is only karl31a because I was previously called karl31, but had problems mim account π

Here you can change it ::)
I am eig against Command Block ideas - but I like this one! Like
This is not "Mfg" but "Mvg", because "many" is written with "v" and not with "f
:sideways: :silly:
Mfg means with kind regards you moron
Insolence! "Mfg." means "Sincerely yours!"
Very upset
great idea
@MInecraftfriend thank you π