
22242 Aufrufe
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Pillory"/>


A pillory with the same social effect as in the good old Middle Ages.

Useful as decoration in medieval worlds but especially on servers to denounce and ostracize non-social conform players who e.g. build sex organs or gryphons. Can be combined with BAN devices. The purpose is that these players can firstly be shamed and secondly that other players are warned about them. (Besides, it also makes something)


Step by step:


the armour stand by means of Command place!
/summon ArmorStand x y z


the head of the desired player with:
/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: * }
*enter player name here



    You can also place the armor stand and put it on and then push it up the stairs with a piston, then it works in Survival!
    If this is still something in the staircase should be placed simply first a fence in the middle, then the armor stand in front and with a little water is then the armor stand pushed forward 😉

  2. Cooo! On a server one cheated me and if I have his head I can anpragern =cD xcD
    AWESOME IDEA!!! That one comes on SO WHAT...

    Minecraft with unlimited possibilities !

  3. I have the PlayStation version and have therefore no armor stender have instead just taken an anvil looks pretty cool in my underground passages have a passage of herobrine rebuilt and there fits the super 🙂

  4. Optimum command:
    /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1b,NoBasePlate:1b,ShowArms:1b,Pose:{Head:[289f,0f,0f],LeftArm:[90f,48f,0f],RightArm:[81f,308f,10f]}}
    :Dmfg. minegraui

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