
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Racecar"/>


This race car is a sports car, you can see the engine in the back.

This race car is a sports car, you can see the engine in the back.
It is very optimal for a racetrack.
The wheels are made of coal this time.
This is my 1 race car I hope you like it:)


  1. 1. looks more like a jeep to me than a race car.
    2. where is the engine in the back? I only see a funnel that makes a good exhaust.

    In itself nothing special if you compare it with other "cars".

  2. oh well, what I just noticed: Zero redstone mechanics or the like but still mark as a redstone, what is that crap because? with something like that you make the whole category search broken....

  3. This is now the third submission of this car, and again only the color and 3 blocks changed. Furthermore, this is simply not a race car but as already said rather a jeep, I would say the topic was missed...