A fully automated house in the mountain.
A house with redstone light circuit wants to have but everyone once in his Minecraft world.only where to put the redstone lines?very simple!build your house but in a mountain.in this case, you still have a panoramic view of the moonrise.in the mountain, the redstone line can be stowed very nice so that you do not see anything of the lines.
From the back/entrance:
Kitchen+living room(even in the dark):
Bedroom(even in the dark):
Study (even in the dark):
In both modes buildable but in survival mode there could be problems for starters with Redstone.Complextity:Medium because it has a lot to do with Redstone and that can get a little tricky.
Just what I need π
The hallway is a bit narrow, but the idea itself is good.
It doesn't look too bad either π .
Genius, I never thought of that!
Very nice, but what's fully automated about it? I don't quite understand.
Well cool build but calling the whole thing Redstone fully automated house is a bit of a reach
And the light can also be realized in a normal detached house.
Well neutral is a normal house
The house itself is nothing special, except for the idea to make the whole thing because of the redstone in the mountain. Also, the instructions could have been a little more detailed (daylight sensors?, If so where?, ...).
@Kubus_Kurt nowhere does it say that I can not advertise.if you do not like that I do then do not look in the description.
There's some redstone lamps. I wouldn't call it a redstone house just yet. But the principle is correct, if you have something complicated in this direction, it is suitable to build the house in the mountain.
Where is redstone please
Fully automated???
cool is but very komplentzirt
@mario 2410 To be honest, it's hardly that. You just need a big mountain so that there is enough space for living space as well as the redstone lines.
@odorneutral True!
you could also just build a high roof and build redstone circuits in it, i do that too π
@geruchsneutral You could of course also do that, but I think then you have only limited possibilities. With a large mountain this is not the case.
@Schroch55 that is also true again
automated house means do nothing you must
@fabi Im Berg π Where else would it be?
@All Well... Maybe the term fully automated was chosen wrong, because everybody defines "fully automated" or "redstone house" differently :/
So ne "INSTRUCTION" is not that yes... You have there simply something with your garnichtso technirisierten house indicated... Dislike:(
I have seen better building ideas !
But still, thumbs up.