Restaurant in the mountain

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Restaurant in the mountain"/>

Restaurant in the mountain

A restaurant in the mountain with lights that can be switched on and off.

To a good city belongs of course also a restaurant.the Redstone lines can be stowed away of course also in the mountain nicely.

Dining room:
- - -
Open grill:


Very well buildable in both mods, although again there could be problems for beginners with Redstone.


  1. @Scroch65 You should be banned... even if your ideas aren't bad.
    Despite the house is relatively small, you have again managed to accommodate a lot in it. I like it very much.

  2. So from me there's only a neutral. You have already uploaded a house in the mountain, there is already a pub/restaurant on the homepage, so this is actually just a combination of your and another idea, or just the pub built a little differently and in the mountain. But since it actually does not look bad a neutral

  3. I'm with HAKler!
    I don't mind advertising your channel, but please leave out your first standard comment! He is annoying and people who want to mob you, do so anyway.

  4. Yes, the idea is good, however it's pretty much the same as the house in the mountain... Otherwise I'll soon upload another zoo in the mountain, a medieval house in the mountain, a mansion in the mountain, a kitchen in the mountain and so on!


  5. I find the channel advertising not appropriate, because this is a platform for building ideas in Minecraft and not an advertising platform for YouTube channel... Against a video I have in principle nix, it is sometimes even quite helpful, but advertising for YT channel is totally wrong here.

  6. I have to agree with Luckyluke if already then fade in the whole video then people come to your channel and it fits here
    (of course only if the video is to the idea)

  7. @Scorch, if you have noticed that the channel advertising sucks then leave it out....

    The others are right, already existing ideas have been combined and nothing new has really emerged. The interior is relatively dull.
