Secret passage in refrigerator

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Secret passage in refrigerator"/>

Secret passage in refrigerator

What looks like a refrigerator is actually a secret entrance.

In the picture you can see how the secret passage looks open.
The secret passage consists of three elements. First, the iron refrigerator door opens, then the actual blocks of the refrigerator are driven two blocks into the wall and then disappear into the ceiling and floor respectively.
I used a switch as input, but of course you can use anything else.


Here is the overall setup with different colors:
Orange=door circuit
Purple=circuit for pistons, which then pull in the double pistons
Blue=1.double piston
Yellow=2.double piston
Pink=circuit for pistons, which then pull in the double pistons

The double piston:

The rearmost amplifier is on three ticks delay, the middle amplifier is on five ticks delay and the foremost amplifier is on only one tick delay.

The mechanism for retracting the double pistons:

The secret here is that by using amplifiers with different delays (one tick and 8 tick), you have enough time for the double pistons to retract and thus for those pistons to then retract into the ceiling/floor.
An avid Minecrafter who doesn't shy away from redstone and command blocks or decorating ideas.


  1. Wow...that's a new one. I've seen a lot of secret passages, but none like yours.
    It's just like real life! You open the fridge and BAM! Secret passage is behind it.
    You get a like from me. ^^

  2. @Eru dankedanke 🙂 the opening also looks mega cool: your fridge disappears first in the wall and then divides. A bit like the secret hiding place of mrs smith in mr &mrs smith the film 😀

  3. @Karl31a you could make it easier by putting 2 blocks (right and left) next to the door and then when you open it nothing splits, but the secret passage is simply already there (Without Technick, Only with blocks it a little camouflage and then you can set up behind his secret passage / laboratory)