secret passageway in wall

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=secret passageway in wall"/>

secret passageway in wall

A secret passage which is completely invisible when closed and can be opened by a lever.

This is a secret passage, which can almost not be discovered without the switch and works with pistons. If you press a switch, the pistons contract and expose the secret passage. If you press the lever a second time, the secret passage is closed.


The construction can be seen in the picture. You can rebuild the picture 1:1. All pistons are sticky pistons and the repeaters are all on the lowest level, except the one on the right, which is level 2. Of course you can use other blocks instead of the bookshelves.
When you have rebuilt the picture, you will notice that you can still see a lot of redstone in the secret passage. If you want the secret passage to look nicer, you can lay the redstone cables underground. Instead of the repeater, which is on top of the picture, you can also build the following:
(On the picture is only the area again after built, in order not to destroy the overview)
This way you only see 2 pistons in the secret passage.


  1. I have another alternative 
    Just hang a big picture on the wall and dismantle the blocks where it is attached then you also have a secret tunnel