Simple random machine

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Simple random machine"/>

Simple random machine

A very simple random machine, but you always have to reset it manually.

I came across this while reading through the Gamepedia article on dispensers. It says that items in dispensers are randomly ejected.


Water and lava buckets are "poured out" when you put them in a dispenser, since both liquids drop redstone (or similar) when they flow over it, but lava burns things, I was thinking that you could take a wooden pressure plate, on which the item is then washed on by the water and triggers a signal (here a lamp). You can also manipulate the result depending on how many buckets of what are in the dispenser. You could connect the dispenser to a funnel and a box to it.
An avid Minecrafter who doesn't shy away from redstone and command blocks or decorating ideas.


  1. You could also just leave out the redstone point and instead fill the dispenser with water buckets and any item that will trigger the pressure plate, so you don't have to re-place the redstone every time.

  2. Good afternoon, everyone,
    that is a very good building idea, if the problem with the reset would not be. But also for this one can remedy (if one xxlukes Oracle does not want to use):

    1. You put the machinery in the world, and at best you let it
    2. A command block with the command /kill @e[type=Item,r=2] placed directly next to the pressure plate, which would cause the command block to float. In addition, the following must have been ensured or executed:
      • The Redstone connection cable between the button or lever and the dispenser must be extended to at least 20 blocks (On the entire Away from knob or lever Sync and corrections by n17t01 Dispensers are required amplifiers, which are all set to three-tick (double right-click)).
      • On the one hand, the energy signal ejects the random result and must now be forwarded so that the signal passes through the dispenser, behind is delayed by at least 15 amplifiers (Viertick) and finally reaches the command block.

    And already ready (who does not understand it, can write to me and ask)!

    Now, about that...

    Design: 3/5p
    Benefit: 3/5p
    Specific - Redstone Tag - Value as redstone machinery: 5/5p
    Total: 11/15p
    Result: Neutral evaluation, grade 3