
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=High-rise"/>


A skyscraper with blue windows and beacons.

My first skyscraper with light. A simple skyscraper what mann so in 2-3 hours can build


(1) you need time :)
(2) I have made the Bodden with 30 plates
(3) Glass what color is No matter :) I have taken blue
(4) Stones you would like to have Also works with wood
(5) have fun with it :)


  1. Please, no anti-women jokes.
    I find this skyscraper very basic, and therefore there is a negative rating.
    In addition, I also think that enough is enough with these types of high-rises.
    There are certainly 4 very similar high-rises on this site already, and it's not a sensational idea (it's an ideas site!) either.

  2. well woman wid be able to build it when she become a man =P

    thebigsmile these sayings are related to the fact that he wrote maNN instead of man =)

    the skyscraper is jetze not so the wow effect but huebsch held =)

  3. Well, the idea was probably all times, only, implemented, have it the fewest, I build myself on a whole city (which is also uploaded here) and then as a multiplayer project will take off. Back to your building! I noticed that it is asymmetrical, and also I don't like the stained glass. My buildings are with transparent glass, even if they are not filled, because that would be too much work, and I build alone.


  4. Hello I heise on minecraft fd3 could maybe someone write me how long wide and high the house must be because I would really like to rebuild it was my.first skyscraper

  5. Hello I heise on minecraft fd3 could maybe someone write me how long wide and high the house must be because I would really like to rebuild it was my.first skyscraper

  6. Hello I heise on minecraft fd3 could maybe someone write me how long wide and high the house must be because I would really like to rebuild it was my.first skyscraper