Small castle

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Small castle"/>

Small castle

A nice little castle to build yourself.

A beautiful castle made quickly! So that means half an hour.
You can then optionally take a few more interiors but roughly it looks like this from the inside:
Tower top floor
Inside the main house
If you have any questions, just post the question(s) in the comments!


  1. You could perhaps also use the non-mossy paving stones, then the wall does not look so monotonous. Or you take stone bricks, there are also mossy and with cracks.

  2. Originally posted by xxluke:
    "You could perhaps also use the non-mossy paving stones, then the wall doesn't look so monotonous. Or you could use stone bricks, which are also available with moss and cracks."
    That's exactly what I was gonna say.
    To that end, the door mechanism is embarrassing,
    actually the whole gate, just doesn't look great.

  3. Yes that's right with the Türmecahnismus is really embarrassing. But I have not thought about it so much. Later when the idea was put in I have rumexperementiert again. In the end I came to the conclusion that such a hook-thread combination that sends out a speech tone signal was the right thing to do. But when I built the idea it was more about the castle. The thing with other blocks I added later. Which looked pretty nice. Unfortunately I deleted the world because the son did an auto-update and I deleted everything from Minecraft. So now I've got everything back.

  4. That's not so bad! I don't understand why this has -4. The picture is not really the nicest, but the website is called Minecraft-BauIDEEN and not Minecraft-VORBAUTEN. (hihihi, I said stem, so that would also be off the table -.-)